
Ronan Martin and Sophie Stevenson perform Calum Breugach, Am Muileann dubh and Sandy Cameron's
for the Ceòlas online concert 2021. Recorded at Upper Breakish, Skye, June 2021.

Ronan Martin, Angus Mackenzie and Murdo Cameron perform Slow Drive.
Armadale Castle Gardens, Skye, BBC Ceòl aig Baile, August 2021.

Ronan Martin and Sophie Stevenson perform for Darcey Bussell's Wild Coasts of Scotland (Channel 4)
An Crùbh, Sleat, Skye, September 2020.

Ronan Martin, Sophie Stevenson and Murdo Cameron perform Calum Breugach
, Am Muileann dubh
and Sandy Cameron's. Armadale Castle Gardens, Skye, BBC Ceòl aig Baile, August 2021.


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